Do you own one of the more than 150,000 auto repair shops in the U.S.? If you do, you’re going to need to consider signing up for several different types of insurance.
The right auto mechanic insurance policies will provide protection for your employees, your customers, and, of course, the vehicles you work on and everything else you keep in your garages. It wouldn’t be wise to run a shop like yours without auto repair business insurance.
In this article, we’ll go over several types of auto mechanic insurance you should prioritize if possible. Take a look at them below.
Business Insurance
Every company in the country should have a basic business insurance policy in place. No matter how big or small your business is, this type of insurance is going to provide you with at least some of the coverage you’ll need as you move forward.
You should be able to customize a business insurance policy to fit your specific needs when you obtain it through a great broker. Get some insurance quotes today to see what different types of business insurance will cost you.
General Liability Insurance
If a customer slips and falls on oil that spilled just outside your garage or if damage is done to your auto repair shop at some point, general liability insurance will have you covered. It’s another fantastic form of insurance for all the auto repair shops out there.
There is really no telling when someone will get hurt on your property or when something will get damaged. You’ll sleep a lot better at night knowing you have a general liability insurance policy protecting your business.
Workers Compensation Insurance
Working as an auto mechanic can actually be a very dangerous job. Mechanics sustain injuries all the time that range from minor cuts and scrapes to more serious head, neck, and back injuries.
If any of your mechanics ever get hurt on the job, you’re going to appreciate having workers compensation insurance. It can help cover medical costs racked up by your mechanics as well as things like lost wages.
If your mechanics are ever injured at work and you don’t have workers comp insurance, you’re going to regret it. You’ll wish you had taken the time to get this kind of auto mechanic insurance.
Sign Up for Auto Mechanic Insurance Policies Here
Choosing which types of auto mechanic insurance your auto repair shop needs can be confusing. It’s part of the reason why some shops decide to get the bare minimum when it comes to business insurance.
Your Insurance Lady is the independent insurance brokerage you can rely on to help you pick out the right types of business insurance. You’ll be able to get access to plenty of protection based on your needs and your budget.
Would you like to get your hands on insurance quotes so that you can decide which types of business insurance you want to obtain? Contact us now to get started.